Coconut Oil Uses

There are so many uses for coconut oil, as you will read below. A little goes a long way, so use small amounts; you can always add more if you need to.

Remember coconut is a nut, so if you have nut allergies, you might not want to use coconut oil. As always, you might want to do a small spot test to see what reaction you have.



Coconut oil on the body right after the shower or bath helps to nourish your skin. It can help acne, aging skin, and cellulitis. It is also anti-inflammatory, so that it can help those joints too. 

Coconut oil is also moisturizing, so it can help with eczema, scaly, and itchy skin.  It can even help heal wounds. 

Don’t forget to apply it to your lips too.

Scraps, burns, and other skin irritants. Use coconut oil because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Relieve sunburn, stings, and bug bites.


For stronger, healthier, softer, and shinier hair, use coconut oil as a mask or as a conditioner on your hair.

Some have found coconut oil to stimulate hair growth while making it thicker too.

Ever get gum stuck in your hair? The oil from the coconut oil will help break down the gum in the hair. Apply the coconut oil to hair and gum, and then easily pull the hair out of the gum.

Would you like to protect your hair from the saltwater or chemically treated water in swimming pools? Apply coconut oil to your hair and comb it evenly through all your hair before your swim. 

Your eyelashes are hair too, so it will help make them stronger and softer too. When you apply it to your eyelashes, get under your eye because it helps with those circles and bags under your eyes. Be careful, and don’t get it in your eyes.

Legs (and faces too)

Use coconut oil as a shaving cream. A little goes a long way. Men can use it as a shaving cream too. 

Use as a lotion too to moisturize.


Mix a little baking soda with coconut oil for a face scrub.


Great as a moisturizer and promotes healing. Add a little bit of Kool-Aid to get the color you want. Remember, a little goes a long way both of the Kool-Aid and the coconut oil.


Makeup remover. When you use coconut oil as a makeup remover, it also helps those under-eye circles and bags. 

Around the House


Do you have children? Have they ever written with crayon on the wall? Rub a little coconut oil on the crayon, and the crayon should come off. This will also work with the scuff marks on the floor too. 

Buff and shine stainless steel with coconut oil and a microfiber rag or an old T-shirt. Use long strokes to apply and buff the surface.

Coconut oil will also help remove labels off jars. Mix 1 part melted coconut oil and 1 part baking soda, and this will make your own “Goo Gone” substances. 

There are so many Coconut Oil Uses, experiment, and find your favorite.

For more LifeHacks Check out the Uses for Wine and Pickle Juice Uses.